Sound Structure
Title: Behind The Music Scene
Sound of records being flicked through as the titles appear.
3 interviews: - Martin, Record Junkee owner
- Fergus, Record Junkee employee
- Georgia, Record Junkee employee
Copy right free music throughout as gig music would be too over powering. Higher volume during cut aways and faded out to a lower volume during the interviews so that the music doesn't take away from the information. The music will increase in volume again as the credits roll, playing the film out and drawing it to a close as it fades out.
Interviews will be intercut to break up the information and so it doesn't get monotonous and boring. These will also be inter cut with cut aways with a voice over.
The documentary will begin with music, closely followed by an interview from Georgia. As we only have the two contributors now I will intercut the two interviews between Georgia and Fergus but also include moments of pure music. The documentary will also end with music bringing the documentary in a full circle, especially as it revolves around music it seems fitting to begin and end the film with music.
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