Saturday, 8 April 2017

Progress and Feedback

Progress and feedback

Due to our crazy one week schedule for all the filming and editing we didn't have anything to show at the edit tutorial. This day was also the only day we could get our actors to film. This meant that we didn't get any feedback as there was nothing to feedback on. However looking at the final product I feel that there is a lot that we could improve on.
The fists aspect that needs improvement is the story line. I don't believe that it fully fits the brief with the three act structure and and the use of emotion. We do look at the relationship between the two characters but I don't feel that it goes into enough detail and especially doesn't feel emotional enough. Another point on the brief was to shoot on location outside of the university buildings however due to our timing restraints we weren't able to use Studio 17 like we had planned to. To demonstrate an awareness of  mise-en-scene in shot design was another aspect we failed to meet. We were using the workstation as it was the only location we could get in such short notice, this meant there were lots of camera and lighting equipment throughout the room. This worked as the set was supposed to be an old film set however this equipment wouldn't just have been left here. As we only had three hours to film we didn't have time to move everything and so tried to keep them out of shot as much as possible but failed miserably, especially with the green screen. We also ended up with equipment bags and people's personal possessions in the back of multiple shots. I thought the idea would be to shoot the final scenes of Sarah looking at the photograph in an actual house. This would have looked much more realistic for the transformation of the film set. However once again due to time constraints we couldn't do this and so had to use a small corner of the workstation with just black walls and no equipment in shot. To me this just looked pretty awful and didn't represent what I was hoping to. 

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