Monday, 3 October 2016



There are lots of things that inspire me on a daily basis, things that inspire me to be a better person or to get up and do something with my day and be creative. One thing that inspires me as a person is images. Just stand alone moments of real time, things happening around the world and all the different lives occurring on a daily basis. I am a huge fan of Instagram and some of the images I see there inspire me to be a better person and to enjoy life. There is one page in particular which inspires me daily. Although the images are not snapshots of everyday life my interpreted messages behind these images give me inspiration.

The images from Karencantuq's Instagram page inspire me a lot as a person. When I see the images it makes me want to pick up a camera and take my own photographs. These pictures are open to interpretation so different people can gain different messages from it, and I like that. An image doesn't have to be simply what you can see. However you don't have to read too much into these images to find the message you were looking for, they are simple but effective. 

As a film maker these images give me ideas and inspiration for future projects.The simple use of casual everyday objects like balloons, and simple locations such as the sea or a city makes me feel like even I can have a go and recreate some of these images or make some following a similar theme. I use the images to create a story in my head, sometimes with just the one image or mixing a few together to create the plot. There are no boundaries just imagination. There is something sweet and child like about that, something that could so easily have been conjured up in a dream or a child's imagination. 

 Travel inspires me. From a young age I have always been intrigued about the world and the different paces you can go and creatures you can see. The Instagram account Amazing.destination is a place i stumble upon often, taking hours to look through the images I find there. The images here inspire me to travel the world and see it's beauty. There is so much to do in this life and so little time you have to do everything you can when the opportunity arises. Say yes more and enjoy the adventure. 

From a film maker's perspective these images inspire me to make a documentary or a film about travel and the wonderful places you can go, people you can meet and the different cultures you can fall in love with. Through doing this i can inspire more people to travel the world and see it's beauty as the film/documentary would, hopefully, go out to a large demographic.

Another thing that inspires me greatly is reading. I love books. The way you can descend into this new and different world. To let yourself be fully consumed by this new character and the people around them. Delving into a new world is a great way to escape reality but also to gather ideas for future projects. When writing short story's I often base one of my characters on a protagonist from a book I really enjoyed, attempting to give them some similar traits. They also help me to gain an idea of how I want the characters to look and with that how to describe them. 

Books also help me with choosing a location for my story to be set in, also linking slightly to my love of travel, as I have found that not everything needs to be set in the 'real world'. You can use your imagination, just like with the previous images, to come up with a fictional location or one that people can't reach such as inside your head. Reading books I have also found that story's work well no matter what order they are told in, there is no need for them to be in chronological order if you don't want them to be, as long as you make the narrative clear for the reader to follow. 

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